ADRA – Changing the world

Read the thank you letter from ADRA Switzerland here. But actually we would like to thank all the helpers for their valuable commitment - merci!

“Almost 4000!

Exactly 3990 children were able to enjoy gifts from Switzerland this year! We are all happy with them that another 120 parcels could be shipped to Moldova, including additional 85 bags of warm winter clothing.

These dresses were especially urgently expected this year. Moldova has taken in many refugees from Ukraine and is helping them as much as it can. In addition to the clothes, we also sent a gift to 200 refugee children, but also large bags of long-lasting food. For many years, poverty has been a huge problem in Moldova, but still they accept many thousands of refugees in addition. There really every additional warm winter jacket is a great gift…

We are all the more grateful that we could once again count on your great support for this project. This aid becomes more and more precious as poverty is multiplied by this unnecessary war. Thank you all for supporting us so generously!

  • TTS Transterminal Rail AG
  • the Swiss Federal Railways
  • Rail Cargo Austria
  • Rail Cargo Hungaria

We hope to make a small difference for many people this year by continuing to be where the help is needed. Unfortunately, Moldova will probably continue to be one of these countries….

With the best regards, combined with our very deepest thanks!

Monika Stirnimann,
Project Management Switzerland”

Grün hat Vorfahrt

Wir fühlen uns dem Umweltschutz verpflichtet und sind stets bemüht überflüssige Wege zu vermeiden, Verkehrsträger intelligent einzusetzen und so den Energieverbrauch gering zu halten. Ein effizienter  und ökonomisch-ökologisch sinnvoller Einsatz von Ressourcen ist für uns als Transportdienstleister eine Selbstverständlichkeit.

Respektvolles Miteinander

Unterschiedliche Kulturen und Mentalitäten werden verstanden und respektiert und die Mitarbeiter verständigen sich auf Austausch statt auf Dominanz. Unser unternehmerisches Handeln ist dabei von Fairness, Offenheit und Respekt geprägt. Wir übernehmen Verantwortung für unsere Mitarbeiter und setzen uns für ihre Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Gleichheit ein.